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satellite option for WP GPX Maps plugin

Home Forum Wp Gpx Maps Support satellite option for WP GPX Maps plugin

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  • #107522 Rispondi
    Vasilis Vr.

    I have installed 1.7.8 version of WP GPX Maps plugin in latest WordPress 6.5.4 version.

    Is there a way to display satellite map type? (I also added ‘mtype=SATELLITE’ in the shortcode before the closing tag, but no lack)

    I also tried the 1.3.7 WP GPX Maps plugin which has a SATELLITE option, but is incompatible with PHP version 7.2 under which I run my test site. It displays a satellite view, but only a map, without any route on the map, neither interactive altitude diagram and with 3 code Warning’s. (“…Invalid expression”, “… Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable”, “… Invalid argument supplied for foreach()”).

    Is there a solution with the latest version, or should I try another version of WP GPX Maps (eg 1.5.x) and if a previous version displays satellite view, where can I find previous versions of the plugin?

    Thank you
    Vasilis Vr.

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